What is Giving Alms? If you are protestant (like us), giving alms sounds like something strange and old fashioned. It’s actually just another way of saying that you are helping someone. Giving alms is technically the act of giving to or helping the poor or needy. If you take it back to the olde english it originated from, it meant giving or … [Read more...]
Why You Should Give Something Up For Lent as Family
Christmas is a wonderful time of jubilee. But for many, it can be a stressful or lonely. Thankfully Easter isn’t usually wrapped up in those entrapments. We are free to enjoy the Easter season as is. You are free to get to the heart of Easter with your family and make Easter more important than Christmas. One easy way to do this is to give … [Read more...]
Kids Can Make a Difference to the Homeless
My sweet kids have a heart for the homeless--especially my 6 year old. She loves making and handing out Blessing Bags to them and praying for them. She has been tossing around the idea for several months about starting a blog and selling something to benefit the homeless. Now she is finally getting her big chance. Gemma’s First Kids Can! … [Read more...]
3 Life-Changing New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family
For some, new year’s resolutions are a thing of the past. If you choose to do it the right way, however, new year’s resolutions can be life-changing. Set goals that are measurable and realistic. Before the year begins, you must decided to give yourself grace and not expect perfection. You must decide that when you fail, you are going to get back … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Enjoy a Christmas Story Lunch
My kids LOVE to eat. Anything we do with food instantly becomes more meaningful for them. That's why we came up with The Christmas Story Lunch! A couple of years ago I stumbled upon this amazing Story of the Passion Lunch. It’s a symbolic and memorable way for kids to learn the Easter story. Everyone receives one food at a time. Then … [Read more...]
A Simple Yet Meaningful Advent Plan
My favorite thing about Christmas is counting down and anticipating the big day with advent plans. They make celebrating Jesus' arrival so much more meaningful! The problem is that even though we start with great intentions, the busyness of the holiday season can waylay even the best plans. Sometimes we get sick at the holidays. Life just … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Bible Journaling Pages
Thanksgiving is such a magical time when we pause to embrace it. Imagine a season where people are thankful instead of grumpy and selfish! Though we cannot control the world around us, we can help foster a safe place in our homes. Our children watch what the craziness in the world around us. If they don’t hear about it at school, that catch … [Read more...]
Welcoming the New President: A Family Devotion
I have provided a basic outline, not a word-for-word format, because your children will enjoy hearing your perspective. You can quickly skim through this devotion and get an idea of what to say. Your children’s answers and understanding will dictate how deep your conversations go and what direction they will take. Have fun! Intro: No … [Read more...]
Whooo Is God? An Autumn Family Bible Adventure: Mummies–Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
I have provided a basic outline, not a word-for-word format, because your children will enjoy hearing your perspective. You can quickly skim through this devotion and get an idea of what to say. Your children’s answers and understanding will dictate how deep your conversations go and what direction they will take. Have fun! Whooo is God? An … [Read more...]
Whooo Is God? An Autumn Family Bible Adventure: Candy–Nothing Is Sweeter Than Jesus
I have provided a basic outline, not a word-for-word format, because your children will enjoy hearing things from your perspective. Their answers and understanding will dictate how deep your conversations go and what direction they will take. Have fun! Whooo is God? An Autumn Family Bible Adventure Candy--Nothing is Sweeter Than … [Read more...]
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