Poetry Tea Time is an opportunity to gather your children around the table, enjoy a cup of tea (lemonade, juice, hot chocolate, etc.), read together, and enjoy deep conversation. Poetry is a perfect thing to read during tea time because poems are often relatively short and great for discussion. It is a time for connection and fun.
Can Kids Really Enjoy Poetry? Or Tea?
When mom takes a few minutes out of her day to just enjoy being with her children, it makes memories. Click To TweetEven my son has learned to appreciate poetry. It isn’t so much that poetry is awesome (though it can be). The real spark comes from the connection. When mom takes a few minutes out of her day to sit down and just enjoy being with her children, it makes memories. I aspire to decorate the table with themes occasionally and use fancy cups, but it doesn’t happen that often. The magic is in just being together, savoring some good poems or stories, and enjoying a little snack. My kids have even learned to appreciate fruity teas occasionally.
When? How? How Often?
Poetry Tea Time is a simple way for us to end our school day on a positive note. Click To TweetPoetry Tea Time is a simple way for us to end our school day on a positive note. If you don’t homeschool, it could be a fun way to enjoy an afternoon snack. It may even be a bit of Saturday afternoon fun. Perhaps, it is just for a special occasion. Just do what works for you and makes memories for your family. Our children know we love them when we make time for them.
To be in your child’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” Barbara Johnson
My Poetry Tea Time Favorites
The Bible has some amazing poetry and passages. Don’t forget about the books of Psalms and Proverbs. This is a perfect time to use actual Bible verses, not just children’s Bibles. There are lots of Bible themed poems and children’s devotions written in rhyme as well. Poetry Tea Time could be a really fun way to have family devotions!
Here are some of our other favorites. Some are more serious, some are just plain silly. You have to know your child and evaluate the kind of day that you are having!
National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry: 200 Poems with Photographs That Squeak, Soar, and Roar!
The photos in this book are AMAZING! There is at least one poem about people evolving from apes, but you can just skip over that one if you wish.
Eric Carle’s Animals Animals
may seem familiar to your younger Eric Carle fans. That may be just what they need to give poetry a chance.
The Random House Book of Poetry for Children
The 20th Century Children’s Poetry Treasury
, and
Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
are great anthologies. Two of these are compiled by Jack Prelutsky, who has some awesome poetry of his own.
Falling Up
is one of Shel Silverstein’s great books of poetry. You can’t go wrong with any of his books!
Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs
is perfect for a discussion of how songs are really poems in disguise. It’s also good for a day that you need some laughter.
Giant Children
is another poetry book that guarantees laughs. Warning: It does have a gross factor. Your kids will love it, but if that’s not your thing, you might want to steer clear of this one.
What are your favorite poems, books, or Bible passages to read with your children? How do you make them special?
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I love Falling Up! I read that when I was a child. Thanks for sharing!
I love all these suggestions – thank you!
I’ve been looking for some poetry to add to our curriculum this year! Thank you for giving me a place to start!
Jennifer DeFrates/Heaven Not Harvard recently posted…The Epic Tantrum that Changed my Perspective
I love Falling UP! always have! this is a great way to end a school day! and make memories!
Marie recently posted…God Fashioned – Your New Identity
You always have such fun, fresh ideas! I have to admit, I am a Dr. Suess fan through and through.
the Psalms are SO beautiful
Andrea recently posted…Worship Wednesday – Share Your Favorite Worship Songs!
I have an old poetry book that I used to read to our children. We had many of the poems memorized including “Poor Old Jonathan Bing.” You are so right that is the time together that is priceless.
Memorizing is something I want to work on this year!
I love that Eric Carle book! And Shel Silverstein is also a favorite. We’ve got a couple other poetry books that we’ve enjoyed. I think one of them is called Llama Llama, but I can’t remember the name of the other one.
We have a few books we like to read, and a few hot drinks we deserve. I’m thinking this is a great way to start our day; as fall and winter approach, begin the homeschooling day with something light to read and a cold drink, and connect a little first before the work begins. Thanks for the suggestion! I’m sharing this.
Maria Hass recently posted…Turned Inside Out
Poetry is so much fun! It’s funny because we used to do reading in the afternoon and that went by the wayside when I started working again. I’ll need to find a time to pick it back up. It was such a beautiful time and I really miss it.
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