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*I was given this book in turn for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Worship for babies? It sounds crazy. Even ludicrous to some. Many churches even balk at the idea and only offer “childcare.” But the truth is that worshiping with babies can be powerful. When that worship happens between the mother and the child, it is even more special. Never underestimate the power of worship for moms and babies!
The Habit of Worship for Moms and Babies
Babies are learning at a much faster rate than you or I. Just think–in their first year of life, they are learning to communicate, eat, crawl, walk, talk, read emotions, and more. They can also learn to worship. I realize that they may not know much of the things of God yet, but they are beginning to learn and set the patterns that will impact them for the rest of their lives. If they make worship a habit, it will always be part of their lives!
Babies are learning to eat, crawl, walk, talk, and more. They can also learn to worship. Click To TweetWorship with a 16 Month Old
When we adopted our son, we were told that he liked music and playing with his toys, but that he didn’t like to read. As a teacher with a masters as a reading specialist, this really bothered me. As soon as he was home at the age of 16 months, I made it my mission to read to him as much as possible. This was only second to my mission to love on him and teach him about Jesus.
Every evening, we read one story of his choosing, and one baby Bible or Bible themed story. As we read the Bible story, we would cuddle and talk, sometimes sing Bible songs, and pray. This became a cherished tradition that we still continue today. When life gets busy and we are out late, our children still ask for their Bible story time. We have to plan to do it early on those days!
God Loves Mommy and Me
I was recently given the privilege of reviewing God Loves Mommy and Me with my three year old. It’s a sweet book for worshipping with a very young child. Just as you sometimes participates in topical Bible studies, this story is about the topic of God’s love. It’s a sweet tool for mommy’s to read with babies and open up the idea that God loves them. It can be a great tool to worship for moms and babies.
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Babies inherently love their mommies so much that it is nearly impossible for them to separate the concept of love from their mothers. Since the book’s premise is that God loves both the mommy and the baby, it automatically makes them snuggle in and pay attention. The mommy is presented as a gift from God who reflects His love. The great things in life they enjoy together are presented as gifts from God. The whole book represents the outlook we want our kids to have in life. While many may think it’s too young to talk about this, it is never too early to start making God a part of your child’s everyday life. Never underestimate the power of worship for moms and babies!
Enter the Giveaway!
You have a chance to win a copy of the sweet book, God Loves Mommy and Me. You can enter by visiting Blessed Freebies. Good luck!
What is your favorite way to worship with children?
I love to sing and cuddle up while reading the Bible as well as other stories that let them know they are loved by the Lord!
This book sounds fun!
Kristi recently posted…Showers of Blessings
One is never too young (or too old) to be worshiping the Lord!
Children are so influenced in those early years. Moms can have a wonderful impact on them through worship and reading. Good post. Thanks for sharing. – Amy
It’s so important to start modeling things for them when they’re small. It builds a healthy worship habit that hopefully, they’ll cling to through adulthood.
I believe bring them to church from infants, when they are old they will not depart from it
I used to nurse my babies to sleep and sing them hymns softly.
So sweet. 🙂
What a sweet book! We’re always looking for cute ways to include our kiddos in our worship time!
How fun! I love doing morning devotions with my daughter. She makes it so special when she wakes up, grabs her Bible and joins me. It warms my heart.
Heather Hart recently posted…Whitewashed Christianity
That’s an absolutely lovely book and experience to have. Honestly I don’t have any books like that and perhaps it’s just something I never really thought about. I mean I have children bibles but nothing more. Thanks for sharing.
I think it is most important to have Bibles, but other books can be good too. We like to have lots of books so we can have variety.
Hi Tara,
I apologize ahead of time for the length of my comment, but this touches on an area that I think is important, and that is the salvation of infants, or in other words, “Do babies go to heaven?” This is a common question, and the spiritual sensitivity infants can have both answers that question and supports the premise of this book (which even though I haven’t read, I can tell encourages). There are three infants in Scripture who showed spiritual sensitivity even while still in the womb…
First, David…
Psalm 22:10 I was cast upon You from birth.
From My mother’s womb
You have been My God.
Notice David didn’t say He knew God or believed in God or had faith in God – as those are impossibilities for babies – but he did say from the time he was in his mother’s womb, God had been his God, an OT way to refer to saints. Also, just to be clear, David isn’t just saying he was saved from birth, he said from the time he was in his mother’s womb.
Second, Jeremiah…
Jer 1:5 [God said,] “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
The phrases “I knew you” and “I sanctified you” are reserved for saved individuals.
Third, John the Baptist…
Luke 1:15 [the angel Gabriel said,] “For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. HE WILL ALSO BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, EVEN FROM HIS MOTHER’S WOMB.”
If you’re filled w/ the Holy Spirit, you’re saved, and John the Baptist was said to have the Holy Spirit WHILE he was in his mother’s womb! He was “born again” before he was born :).
Scott LaPierre recently posted…Handle frustrations in marriage with these three encouragements
The book looks so sweet! We love reading with our girls, too–have you looked at the Jesus Storybook Bible for your kiddos? We also sing songs and practice our memory verses every morning, too.
We love the Jesus Storybook Bible! It’s our favorite. This one is good for even younger ones.
Hi Tara, you need to see how the infants in my church get excited and joyfully dance during praise and worship. Truly, God exalts praise through their mouths. Psalm 8:2 . Thanks for this post, God bless.
Richard recently posted…The Exclusivity Of Christianity ( Part 2)
I need to be more intentional about worship with the kids. We have a worship cd in the car, and we can only listen to one song, but that’s okay because my 4 and almost 3 year olds sing along. I often hear them going through the house singing it. Thanks for sharing!
This is great. You know the world does not wait to instill crazy stuff in our babies. Why should we wait. Babies are spirits too. Love this!
That is a very good point!
We loved to watch worship music videos on TV (and still do). Noah would pretend to sing into a microphone and raise his hands like the people in the video. It was a blessing to me to watch him and hoped it was good practice for him! 😊
Some of my kids’ favorite songs are worship songs that I sang while I was pregnant and working in the children’s ministry… I just had them in my head most days when nothing else would register in those chaotic first weeks of life and they have stuck. It’s a blessing!
Marissa recently posted…Encouraging Hearts & Home 5/4
I agree. I sing songs to my sons as they Lay in bed and it brings about good dialogue. They love songs they can interact with, like clap your hands and stomp your feet :). Nights that it slips my mind they are sure to remind me.
Love the part why should we wait. Babies are spirits too. I am totally in love with your article and I appreciate the hard work you are doing, thanks for the knowledge
Great book!
I think that prayer is very important for any person, it is necessary to show the child what it is and interest him. My son and I will definitely use this book!
Thanks for sharing.
Julia Mells | https://bestbabykit.com
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