It’s time to get back to school. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed your summer, but it’s back to the grind. Whether you enjoy getting back to school or not, there is usually a tiny piece of us that is sad to see summer go. We must remind ourselves that God’s mercies are new every morning...and every school year too. One reason we can … [Read more...]
A Time to Give Thanks for the Many Things That Homeschool Offers
There are so many things to be thankful for, not only this Thanksgiving season, but always! Thanksgiving, however, reminds me to actually stop and say thank you for all the little things. I’m thankful for my Jesus, my family, my friends, and also the opportunity to homeschool. It's a time to give thanks for the many things that … [Read more...]
Things You Will Love and Hate about Homeschool Conventions
It’s convention time--homeschool conventions that is. One of my favorite things about Spring is attending homeschool conventions. It’s time to evaluate what has worked this year and make plans for the new one. Even if you think you have this homeschool thing down perfectly (Do any of us really feel that way?!), you can always use a few fresh … [Read more...]
Edible Lunches that Won’t Kill You…Or Your Picky Eaters
I want my children to be healthy and strong. I want them to be energetic so they can learn and serve others without wearing down. What they fuel their bodies with is an important part of this equation. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV Where Did I Go Wrong? I am … [Read more...]
Start Your Day On the Right Foot
School will be back in session soon. Setting the tone for the year can make a huge difference. Starting each day on the right foot can make a big difference too. Here are a few suggestions that might help you get started on the right foot... Prayer A new year is a reminder to pray for our school and try to plan … [Read more...]
Summer Planning
The lazy days of summer are fantastic. If you are a nerd like me, however, you get pretty excited about using all that extra time to plan! There are lots of fun things to plan--summer activities, meals, household projects. I have been chomping at the bit to begin planning our next homeschool year. It's enough to make a girl pull out her Happy … [Read more...]
Memorizing Scripture–It’s Fun!
What if there was a way to take what you are learning on Sunday mornings or in your Bible studies, bottle it up, and lock it away inside your heart? There is--memorizing scripture!! The Holy Spirit lives in us. He can make the scriptures we have stored away in our hearts spring into action just when we need them. In fact, there are lots of … [Read more...]
A Typical Day in Our Homeschool Life
The Hard Working Homeschool Mommy (an adaptation of The Little Red Hen) Once upon a time there was a wonderful little family. There was Mommy, Daddy, Willy Nilly, Gemma Wemma, and Aaraboo. They all lived together in a big messy house in the suburbs. Mommy tried really hard to keep the house clean, but every time she cleaned, she would turn … [Read more...]