Looking for an easy way to memorize scripture? Here is an easy way that incorporates review so that you don’t forget the verses you have learned. In other words, it’s scripture memory that sticks! This is an almost magical way to memorize scripture that only takes about 10 minutes per day, or less. It is referred to as the Charlotte … [Read more...]
Teach Your Kids to “Fear Not” This Halloween…or Anytime!
Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, it’s hard to escape the season. All you have to do is walk into Walmart, and an evil witch with green skin and fiery eyes is there to greet you. Take a few more steps and you run into the aisle covered with ghoulish sounds and fake bloody knives. I’m all for a some good pumpkin fun, but the scary stuff can … [Read more...]
6 Really Easy Ways to Make God Part of Your Fun Days
Sometimes you just want to have fun. God wants to be there in those moments too! Here are 6 really easy ways to make God part of your fun days... Today I had the privilege of guest posting for my friend, Tori. You may remember her Picnic Parade post about Ladybug Girl at the Beach. (This year's Picnic Parade was all about easy ways to … [Read more...]
Last-Minute, Easy to Implement Thanksgiving Fun
With only a week and one day until Thanksgiving, who has time left to organize Thanksgiving fun? I do! I am passing on a few of my favorite Thanksgiving ideas so that you don’t have to scramble. If you are a homeschooler, I challenge you to enjoy a Thanksgiving-themed day. Our homeschool holiday celebrations are some of our favorite days. … [Read more...]
Need a Fun Way to Memorize Verses?
I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “memorization,” a feeling of unrest bubbles up from deep within. An image of staring at a page for hours pops into my head. Memorization like that is DEFINITELY not fun. So let’s find some ways to MAKE IT FUN! “And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink … [Read more...]
1 Way to Make a Lasting Difference This Year
At the ripe old age of !?!, I think back on my life and what I have accomplished, and, consequently, what I have not. Imagine if I had learned just one Bible verse each year of my life. That would mean that I could quote !?! Bible verses by heart! I can always start that now, and should. But what if we did that for our children? They … [Read more...]