Sometimes you just want to have fun. God wants to be there in those moments too! Here are 6 really easy ways to make God part of your fun days…
Today I had the privilege of guest posting for my friend, Tori. You may remember her Picnic Parade post about Ladybug Girl at the Beach. (This year’s Picnic Parade was all about easy ways to make God part of your fun days!) Today we turned the tables as I wrote for her at Mess to Blessed. She blogs about encouraging and fun things for moms, with a little faith mixed in. I took the opportunity to write about something a little bit out of my niche–recipes! Since most recipes don’t often have much to do with discipling our children (other than those in this year’s Picnic Parade!), it doesn’t really fit here at Minivan Ministries. But we all have to eat and we all want to have fun!
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV
Girls (and Moms and Families) Just Want to Have Fun!
I wanted to take this opportunity to not only encourage you to check out my favorite Super Simple Summer Recipes, but to remember that even when something isn’t spiritual, like fun recipes, it doesn’t have to be void of God. Heaven only knows that sometimes you just need to go relax and have fun. Make your summer bucket list. Go to an amusement park. Splash around in the water park. Celebrate Independence Day. Even when we are busy with fun, we can still take a few quick minutes to turn the hearts of our children toward God.
6 Really Easy Ways to Make God Part of Your Fun Days
There will be days that you are traveling and your days are packed. You may not have more than a hot minute to do a devotional. God is in the midst of it all.
You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 11:18-19 ESV
Here are 6 really easy ways to make God part of your fun days…
- Pray at Meal Time: Most likely you are still going to eat. Send up a short blessing first. Thank God for working taste buds and fun foods to eat, even when they are packed with calories.
- Memorize Scripture In the Morning: Have written or visual scriptures displayed in strategic locations. You must be thinking about something while you brush your teeth. Why not memorize a scripture? Lay Bible verses out on the breakfast table with the cereal. We don’t like to talk for a few minutes in the mornings, so it’s the perfect time to be quiet and meditate on God. If you make morning scripture memory a normal part of your every day plan, kids will still make it a part of their special activity days too.
- Pray when Traveling: You can say prayers in the car for whatever adventure is coming your way. Pray for safety, that you will be a light for God and reflect His glory, that people will be put in your path that you can introduce to Jesus.
- Worship on the Way: When you are in the car and know you aren’t going to have much other time for devotions, crank up some good Christian music. Some of our best worship times are in the car!
- Share Your Stories: At the end of your fun day, spend some time talking about it. How did you see Jesus at work today? Did your actions please Jesus? What would you do differently next time?
- Don’t Brush Off Those Holy Spirit Nudges: When you love God, He will come to mind throughout your day. It’s like being in love. (Because we should be in love with God!) When God brings something to mind, share it with your family.
Keep Studying the Word Together On a Regular Basis
I don’t condone neglecting regular family devotions or Bible study for an entire summer. These are tips for those busy days that are sprinkled in here and there. Take advantage of these ideas as needed. Go and grow in the Word and make God part of your fun days!
How do you include God in your fun?
Dana says
Great list! I think it is also important to remember that those little conversations by the wayside are sometimes even more important to a child’s spiritual development than the formalized lessons around devotions and at church. The wonder of creation is all around us and opportunities to do good for others is present any time there are people around.
admin says
Exactly! We just have to be on the lookout for those little moments where God tugs on our hearts.
Alex says
These are great! I have the tendency to be too serious, and my husband encourages me to have more fun – God is present even in the fun!
Alex recently posted…How to Handle Transitions in Marriage
Terri Grothe says
So many great ideas. I want him to be a part of my every day because he woke me up to enjoy the day
Alice says
For me, it is sharing my day to day interaction with the Lord. Teaches my kids that a relationship is an every day loving event.
Alice recently posted…The Happiness Manipulator: Codependent Christianity
Amanda | Maple Alps says
Great, practical ideas! These are all fantastic and easy ways to make sure we stay connected to God during the day 🙂
admin says
Thanks. I’m glad you like them!
Caroline says
I love your list. He truly is involved in EVERYTHING. I love the ‘worship on the way’ I am all about that too!
Erin says
This is a great reminder that it all starts at home – the love we have for Hesus and teaching our children about the maintaining of that relationship!
Erin recently posted…Love does no harm…
Andrea says
and in NYC, worshiping on the bus or subway works just as well too 🙂
Kristi says
Yes! There are so many ways to fit Christ into our lives in fun ways! All these are great suggestions.
Kristi recently posted…Praying James Chapter 1 (Part One)
LauraOinAK says
In the summer, I often forget to do more than daily prayers with my boys. I think it could be a great time for some Scripture memorization!
LauraOinAK recently posted…Healthy Living Link Party #116
Denise Renae says
One thing I do a lot while being busy in the kitchen is turn up some awesome worship music that me and the kids (while playing) can enjoy listening to.
Denise Renae recently posted…Getaway (Quarterly Review) Summer ’17
admin says
We like to do that too!