Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, it’s hard to escape the season. All you have to do is walk into Walmart, and an evil witch with green skin and fiery eyes is there to greet you. Take a few more steps and you run into the aisle covered with ghoulish sounds and fake bloody knives. I’m all for a some good pumpkin fun, but the scary stuff can … [Read more...]
A Brand New Way to Bring the Bible to Life: The Picture Smart Bible Review and Giveaway
Whether you are a homeschool parent planning for your most important subject (Bible!) or a working parent trying to decide what to use for family devotions at home, I have a great suggestion for you today…the Picture Smart Bible! I was given a copy of the Picture Smart Bible, 4-Adult, in exchange for an honest review. I promise to only … [Read more...]
The Surprising Truth Behind 3 Easter Symbols
Easter can be an amazing time for Christians. Jesus’ resurrection is the most important thing that we can ever celebrate. The cross and Jesus as the sacrificial lamb are pretty easy symbols for us to understand. The Easter Bunny, however, is not so straightforward. Many Christians avoid these “extra” symbols at all costs. Perhaps there is more … [Read more...]
Five Powerful Ideas for Filling Up Easter Baskets
Easter will be here soon, so it’s time to start thinking about how to fill up those baskets. If you want to avoid too much of a sugar rush, just what should you include? Easter is the most important holiday, so we like for our baskets to point to the meaning of the season. Sure we throw in some bubbles and sidewalk chalk, but we also want our … [Read more...]
Kids Can Make a Difference to the Homeless
My sweet kids have a heart for the homeless--especially my 6 year old. She loves making and handing out Blessing Bags to them and praying for them. She has been tossing around the idea for several months about starting a blog and selling something to benefit the homeless. Now she is finally getting her big chance. Gemma’s First Kids Can! … [Read more...]
Don’t Sell Your Toddler Short: The Learning Potential of Young Children Rocks!
Our house has been filled with singing. My 2 year old has discovered her singing voice and it is on full force! One of my favorite things about little ones at this age is that it is all or nothing for them. When they discover they can do something, they throw themselves into it. And boy, are they discovering! Don’t sell your toddler short. … [Read more...]
Along Comes Baby (Doll!)
I have been anti-bringing toys anywhere since before I became a mother. As a public school teacher, my desk was filled with highly-distracting toys. Although I didn’t confiscate items as a children’s minister, the kids were still distracted. As a parent, I feared that if they weren’t distractions, there was a really good chance they would get … [Read more...]
How to Shop for a Children’s Ministry
There is a wide array of churches out there that will probably suit your personal needs. But what about the children's ministry? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that any children's ministry will do. After all, they are just kids. How important can it be? VERY! Here are some things to consider when looking at a children’s ministry… … [Read more...]