Sometimes people come along that inspire you. They make you want to be a better person and reach your full potential. When you are truly blessed, they inspire you to draw closer to God. When that person is no longer with you, it is shocking to say the least. But if their life exemplified worshipful living, their impact will never die.
If someone's life exemplified worshipful living, their impact will never die. Click To TweetThis week a wonderful, inspiring Christian mom, wife, and blogger died. Mandy Kelly was the owner of Worshipful Living. The title of her blog says it all. She was dedicated to finding the worship and glorifying God in everyday moments. She also challenged others to worshipful living also.
What are 3 Keys to Worshipful Living?
Be Inspiring
I never met Mandy in person, but I “spoke” with her on Periscope and via webinar. Guest posting for her was a privilege. I felt that when I read her posts on Worshipful Living, I knew her sweet soul. She was an inspiration to me. I felt connected with her through our common passions for adoption and homeschool. When I saw what she was creating on her blog, I thought, “I want to help people like that.”
Since I never met Mandy, some might think it strange that I wanted to write a tribute post. I liken it to when a celebrity dies. You never really knew them, but they were a part of your life. You feel shock and loss just the same, even though nothing compared to those who knew them personally. Though Mandy went to heaven, it is inspiring to know that her words of inspiration live on. It is inspiring to hear stories and know that she encompassed what worshipful living really is.
I won’t pretend that I know a lot about what happens after one dies, aside from the fact that those who believe and follow Jesus will be with the Lord. I do like to think that those saints who went on before us are cheering for us.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV
Spend Time with the Lord
Today, I want to encourage you to check out Mandy’s blog. Peruse the encouraging and challenging posts that she wrote. Review the products that she offered. I don’t know if buying them will support her two surviving children, but perhaps it will remind them someday that their mother was an inspiration to many. Her work will live on making an eternal difference even after she has left this earth.
If you want to donate to Mandy’s surviving children in another way, you can donate via the Trinity Baptist Church Cayce website. There is a GIVE button on the menu. Choose the ‘Kelly’s’ from the drop down options.
Live Each Day to the Fullest
Sometimes things happen that just tug at your heartstrings. They make you want to hold your family a bit closer and savor every moment. Take advantage of every moment you can. You will slip back into old patterns because you are human. But you will hopefully stop and think. Then you can hit the reset button. Thank God for every day that you have, even when it isn’t great. Each day is a blessing indeed. Living each day to the fullest isn’t about going out and having a crazy amount of fun. It’s about making your life matter through worshipful living. Thank you for the example you set, Mandy!
Living each day to the fullest isn’t about having fun. It’s about making your life matter. Click To TweetMore Amazing Tributes
I am honored to link up with several other bloggers who wanted to remember Mandy and the impact she had on their lives. You can find the links here. I know you will be inspired.
How do you embody worshipful living?
Mary Newman says
I feel the exact same way about writing a tribute for someone I hadn’t met in person. Love how you likened it to a celebrity. She definitely entertained our souls and her spirit lives on through her blog.
Andrea says
We gotta spend time with God every day – He is our portion!
Mardene Carr says
Worshipful living is so important. Practice becomes perfect
Lo Tanner | says
I love the perspective Mandy shared with the world, using our everyday lives and everyday moments to worship the living King. I’m sure she set a beautiful example for her audience.
Sheila Schweiger-Rhodes says
Worshipful Living is what we as Christ followers should be doing everyday and Mandy exemplified the meaning. She was a loving, caring human being whose light shined all over all the world. Praying for her children and all those who are grieving this loss.
Sheila Schweiger-Rhodes recently posted…How Dating a Married Man Has Made Me a Better Wife
Maria Hass says
Awe Mandy inspired me the same way. I definitely want to be a woman that lives with more worship, and touches others the way Mandy did. Thank you for sharing.
Hope Griffin says
Her life and death touched so many. I am sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful tribute to your friend.
Hope Griffin recently posted…#FindingJoy Linkup
LauraOinAK says
Such a beautiful post to remind us how we should live EACH and EVERY day of our lives.
I have a book that our MOMS group at church is doing for part of the Spring study. One of the chapters talked about there being only so many Sundays and how would you spend them. We don’t know the day or hour we’ll be called home. Why waste the time we have on other pursuits than our spiritual journey.
LauraOinAK recently posted…The Long Dark Night of the Soul
Olu Afolabi says
Good post. Reminds me of the brevity of life. The bible says life is like vapour appearing for some time and then no more. What we do with life is what counts.
Olu Afolabi recently posted…It is finished
Rhonda Kelly says
Thank you for doing this in honor our daughter Mandy and her family. We miss them all so much.
Rhonda Kelly (Mandy’s mama)
admin says
You are more than welcome. Mandy was a blessing to many, myself included.