When something bad happens, you have two choices. First, you can get angry and throw a fit. The second choice, is to take a deep breath and realize that God has a plan, even in the mess. My goal is to choose the latter. It’s a lot easier to do so when you are surrounded by people shining God’s light and being His hands and feet. We have been … [Read more...]
Teach Your Kids to “Fear Not” This Halloween…or Anytime!
Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, it’s hard to escape the season. All you have to do is walk into Walmart, and an evil witch with green skin and fiery eyes is there to greet you. Take a few more steps and you run into the aisle covered with ghoulish sounds and fake bloody knives. I’m all for a some good pumpkin fun, but the scary stuff can … [Read more...]
Kids and Disaster
I thought about writing about this several months ago when a widely-publicized disaster happened, but I waited a bit too late. I did have the thought that it probably wouldn’t be long until something else tragic happened. Unfortunately, I was right. Not only have we had one horrific thing happen, but at least two come right to mind from the last … [Read more...]
Cooking with an Imperfect Wife
When I got married nearly 14 years ago, I had no doubts that I would be the best wife ever. Although I had never been a huge fan of cooking and cleaning, I didn’t think that it was going to be an issue. In fact, I didn’t think about that aspect of it much at all. I had no idea that I would be an imperfect wife. A Couple Stories For … [Read more...]
Waiting is the Hardest Part
Waiting is the Hardest Part Our Adoption Story: Part 2 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NIV I was almost 29 when we decided to adopt. Since you have to be 30 to adopt from China, we had one year to do a mound of paperwork. You would think that it would be easy to get any amount of paperwork … [Read more...]
Thankful–The Real Life Edition
When people are asked what they are thankful for, of course they rattle off family, friends, home, etc. For many of us that stuff is a given--and we really ARE blessed if that is true. But it is so easy to be thankful for the obvious. Mandy at Worshipful Living has been doing a Scope bookclub about Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts. One of the points … [Read more...]
Perspective for this Season of Life: 3 Things to Remember
The school work is not done. The baby is crying. A diaper needs changed. You don’t know what’s for dinner and it’s almost 5p.m. The phone rings. All you really want to do is sit down on the couch and do NOTHING. It’s a typical day in your life, right? Some days are like that. Realistically, some days aren’t. They are the rare occasions … [Read more...]
A Typical Day in Our Homeschool Life
The Hard Working Homeschool Mommy (an adaptation of The Little Red Hen) Once upon a time there was a wonderful little family. There was Mommy, Daddy, Willy Nilly, Gemma Wemma, and Aaraboo. They all lived together in a big messy house in the suburbs. Mommy tried really hard to keep the house clean, but every time she cleaned, she would turn … [Read more...]