For today’s review, I wanted to include my daughter, my personal brave girl. She loves to write and was very excited when she opened this devotion that is designed for 8-12 year old girls. Here is my brave girl’s I Am Brave review…
“For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.”
Matthew 12:34

Gemma’s Brave Girl Review
Today I, Gemma (9 years old,) will be reviewing I Am Brave: Devotions, Questions, and Quizzes for Brave Girls. I liked it a lot. I try to read it every morning, unless I am too busy and need to use a shorter devotion. My sister, Aaralyn (6 years old) likes it too.
If I Could Be a New Brave Girl…
If I could be a new Brave Girl in the youth group in this devotional, I would be joy because I would like to always look on the bright side and help others be joyful. I would love hanging out and having sleepovers with the other girls in the youth group. I would also love going to church.

Things I love about the “Brave Girls’ Devotions: I Am Brave”
- I love all the fun questions and all the brave girls: Hope, Glory, Honor, Gracie, and Faith. They all have unique personalities, but they all share a love for God.
- I love all the devotions. They give a good lesson about how God is great.
- I love the Brave Girl’s Prayer. It shows something you should include in your prayer like, “Lord, give me courage to impact this world for you.”
- I love the glittery and pink cover. It also has a picture of all the girls.
The Original Brave Girls 365 Days Devotional
I also have Brave Girls 365-Day Devotional. There are lots of stories. My favorite is “Decide to Try.” The stories have a scenario and a solution. I did this one with my sister. I told her the scenario and what the solution should be. Then I read the devotion to her.
A Comparison
I Am Brave: Devotions, Questions, and Quizzes for Brave Girls has more activities and places to write. If you like to write, you will really like this book. There are crosswords, questions, writing prompts, word searches with Bible verse words, words to unscramble, and tons of places to add your own photo. There is also a page to write Bible verses. Today I wrote “All About Me.” When I am done, I will have a book all about me and God. It will help me grow my faith.
Both books have Bible verses, a prayer thought, and the same girls in the youth group. You can learn a lot about God from both of them. The devotions were different enough that I did not feel that the same ideas were repeated.
And More!
I would love to get ICB, Tommy Nelson’s, Brave Girls Devotional Bible, Hardcover, Pink. There are also Brave Girls’ Bible Stories and other books as well. I think they would all be good.
A Word from Mom on the Brave Girls
Any time I can get my kids excited about the Bible, I think it’s a win! I also love for them to have positive female roll models. For these reasons, I love these devotions for both of my brave girls.
Win Your Own Copy of “I Am Brave!”
If you would like to win your own copy, head over here and sign up!
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