What if there was a way to take what you are learning on Sunday mornings or in your Bible studies, bottle it up, and lock it away inside your heart? There is–memorizing scripture!! The Holy Spirit lives in us. He can make the scriptures we have stored away in our hearts spring into action just when we need them. In fact, there are lots of great reasons to memorize scripture, but some of my favorite reasons are…
- The Spirit is our sword. Ephesians 6:17
- Jesus memorized scripture and used it to fight temptation. Matthew 4:1-11
- It helps us focus on the right things. Philippians 4:8
- It transforms our lives. Romans 12:2
Keep my commandments and live;
keep my teaching as the apple of your eye;
bind them on your fingers;
write them on the tablet of your heart.” Proverbs 7:2-3 ESV
Ugh. Memorizing Sounds So Boring.
Memorizing scripture may not be at the top of your “Fun Things To Do” list. It might not be at the top of your “To Do” list at all. But during these summer months, we are all looking for fun ways to make the time pass. Why not make it meaningful? Memorizing scripture can be one of the most important (and fun!) things that you do.
I have recently stumbled across (or God placed in my path) a couple of amazing resources for taking scripture memory to the next level.
The first resource is a fantastic compilation of ideas that will get you moving, crafting, singing, and even outdoors to spruce up your scripture memory. It is called Who Says You Can’t Memorize?! Fun Ways to Learn Bible Verses.
Aside from fun activities that really work, it also gives a few suggested verses you might want to memorize. There are suggested resources for Bible verse songs and Bible clubs too. There are also extra memorization tips and even hints for memorizing with children who have special needs. The author has seen these techniques work with her own child who has special needs as well.
All of the above sounds great, but the biggest reason that I recommend Who Says You Can’t Memorize?! Fun Ways to Learn Bible Verses is that I met the author, Barbara Bormuth Witt, in person. She is truly genuine and passionate about her love for the Lord and wanting to help people experience the joy of memorizing scripture. This book is a labor of love. Another cool fact is that this book is a family affair. Her 12 year old son Noah did all of the colorful, fun illustrations!
If you still aren’t convinced this resource would be helpful to you, please check out her website. You can get a peek inside the book and find more resources there.
The Bible Bee
Have you heard about the Bible Bee? Think Bible Drill–only better! It’s one of the resources recommended in Who Says You Can’t Memorize?! Fun Ways to Learn Bible Verses. I first heard of it when Kirk Cameron talked briefly about hosting it at Teach Them Diligently. (Insert swooning for all you 80s girls!) Then a friend asked me about participating with her. I said, “Why not?!”
You can find out more about The Bible Bee and join their study for this year. It is designed for students ages 7-18, but there is a primary version available for younger students. The “senior” edition has plenty of meat for mature Christians and adults who want to study alongside their children. The summer study begins June 6, 2016. Everyone gets an electronic version, but you can also purchase a print version if you prefer.
Once the study begins, students work through lessons that help them learn to study the Bible. They can submit videos for cash and prizes. Local groups are able to hold contests and award small prizes as well. The truly ambitious can take an online test on August 6, 2016 for an opportunity to compete for a spot on The Bible Bee game show in November. If you have never seen the show, watch this video. You will be amazed at what Bible Bee students learn!
Join Us!!!
This could be a fun summer. It could also be a summer that changes lives. Join us on our scripture memory journey! Follow my Memorization Pinterest Board for even more ideas.
Do you memorize scripture? What are some of your favorite tips for memorization?
Don’t forget that you still have time to enter my giveaway!
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Love new ideas for bible memorization… my boys are so good at it, but often complain “again” when we give them a new verse. We really enjoy Scripture Typer, the website and app…
I am so excited to help my son memorize Scripture when he gets older, I memorized it alot in school and growing up and I still remember it~such a blessing!
Allison recently posted…Savannah, Georgia Mini-Vacation + Logan & Lenora Review
This is a great idea for the grand kids. They love memorizing the scriptures but sometimes have a little trouble doing that.
Oooow I love these ideas! I used to have the hardest time memorizing verse. I didnt even like Awanas when I was little.
Mihaela Echols recently posted…Frisbee Tournament 2016
I love all those great ideas – maybe some of us grownups who need a little bit of help memoriziNG Bible verse…. 🙂
So important! I use the bible scripture app and honestly have been slacking on it, but when I do use it, I love it
Caroline @ In Due Time recently posted…Divine Appointment
I think this is a great tool for memorizing scriptures! I love to have scriptures that I can rattle off!
Alison recently posted…Cheers! Ice Cream
I love finding new ways to memorize scripture. Though, my son is not quite there yet. 🙂
Such great resources for learning and memorizing scripture!
It is important to hide the word of God in our heart. Memorizing scripture is the way to empower our children with God’s truth!
Sheila recently posted…Comment on The Day My Washing Machine Taught Me a Valuable Lesson by Sheila Rhodes
I have been trying to work on this with my son. I bet these ideas could help him a lot.
it’s so important to memorize Scripture when you’re young. I’m so thankful for what I “hid in my heart” as a child and young person. At nearly 60 it’s so much harder and takes a lot longer.
Pamela recently posted…Pamela’s Daybook: May 27th
I am just loving it, such a wonderful stuff as I always love any new ideas that helps with bible memorization so that I can try them with my kids. This could be so helpful to many like me.
If you want to encourage your children to keep God’s Word in your heart, I recommend Bible Memory: Remember Me. Quizzes, flashcards, audio recording, playback and an intelligent review system help them to memorize and to retain any Bible verse from 44 Bible versions. The app is so easy to use it is even part of Google Play for Families.
Thanks for the tip. I will definitely check it out!
Great reminder! We had joined a bible memorization club for teens this past year, and it really did help our older children to get into the Word.
Thanks for sharing this!!
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