It’s convention time–homeschool conventions that is. One of my favorite things about Spring is attending homeschool conventions. It’s time to evaluate what has worked this year and make plans for the new one. Even if you think you have this homeschool thing down perfectly (Do any of us really feel that way?!), you can always use a few fresh ideas to bring joy to your homeschool. Nothing is foolproof, however. There are definitely things that you will love and hate about homeschool conventions.
Even if you think you have homeschooling down perfectly, you can always use a few fresh ideas. Click To TweetYou know the question, “Do you want the bad news first or the good news?” I always like to get the bad news out of the way first…
Things You Will HATE about Homeschool Conventions
You will have to lock down your bank account.
All those great ideas and teaching aids can add up. I like to plan what I might buy ahead of time and budget for that. Then I add a little extra for the surprise finds that I can’t resist.
Your feet (and bottom!) and arms could get tired.
If you are in love with the vendor hall, your feet might pay the price. If you can’t get enough of the sessions, your bottom might feel it. Your arm could get tired from carrying all the new goodies you pick up in the vendor hall. As the saying goes, “No pain, no gain!” It’s worth it.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 ESV
Your head will be spinning.
You will have so many new ideas that you won’t be able to implement them all. Seriously. Just pick and choose a few that are the most important to you and put the others in your back pocket.
Things You Will LOVE about Homeschool Conventions
I want to share with you several things that you will love about almost any convention. As an official HEAV blogger, I also want to share some things that are especially awesome about the HEAV, Home Educators Association of Virginia, Convention.
Children and teens are welcome.
As homeschooling families, that is often a must! Families can sign their kids up for one of their amazing programs. The HEAV convention offers several tracks that they can choose from. Or you can bring your kids to the sessions with you. I love that the HEAV convention offers a free MP3 to all those who need to step out because their babies need something during the sessions. I’ve never heard of this at a convention before!
The convention halls are amazing.
Vendors are friendly and informative and can answer all your questions. I love being able to flip through all the fun stuff I have seen online. Vendors often have the best prices too. If you visit the HEAV Convention Hall, they even have a used curriculum sale where you can save even more money. Count me in! Not only that, but their convention hall is the second largest in the nation!
The speakers are amazing too.
(Look for an interview with one of the HEAV speakers coming up soon!) I must admit that I geek out when planning what sessions I will attend. I like to circle everything I’m interested in, narrow it down, and plot my path on the map. Then I take a crazy amount of notes, then go back over them and highlight the most important parts. At the end of each convention day, I make a “To Do” list of the most important things I want to implement in our homeschool.
You will be enlightened.
At my very first homeschool convention, I was at a loss about what curriculum I should use with my son. My traditional methods were not working. I literally walked around looking at curriculums and praying. God gave me exactly what I needed! I’ve had a similar experience with a personal, homemaking matter at another homeschool convention. God can use these conventions as an answer to prayer!
God can use homeschool conventions to answer to prayer! Click To TweetAsk, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 ESV
You could win a free entrance to the HEAV convention!
HEAV, Home Educators Association of Virginia, offers a perfect convention for those of you interested in Christian homeschooling. This year’s theme is “Building a Strong Foundation Like a Man Building a House, Luke 6:48.” I am excited to host a giveaway for a family registration to the Home Educators Association of Virginia Convention. The value of this prize is $79. It is not transferable and cannot be exchanged for money. The winner must respond to my email within 24 hours or a new winner will be chosen.
Best of luck!
There are definitely things that you will love and hate about homeschool conventions. But the loves will outnumber the hates every time.
What do you love and hate about homeschool conventions? Which homeschool conventions do you like to attend?
If that was me, I would definitely have to lock down my wallet 🙂
I have been considering homeschooling for quite some time now. I would love something like this in my home state.
Most states have one, or at least one in a neighboring state. I hope you can find something. It’s great for finding out information and deciding if homeschooling is for you.
Lol! Oh, yes there are pros and cons and my feet as well as my tush feel it along with my pocket book. It is so good to go in with a budgeted amount and then I don’t feel bad but accomplished when I know what I need and have a little extra for goodies that I didn’t know I needed!
I also enjoy learning from all those who have come before me. I can glean a lot!
Kristi recently posted…Fun Ways to Learn about the Easter Story
I love the opportunity to buy used curriculum, and the refreshing and encouragement I receive from all the sessions!
My first yr homeschooling and really want to go to the convention to learn more.
I go every year. There is always something new to learn!
One of my favorite things is all of the encouragement I get from each of the speakers I listen too!
Find myself wanting one of everything. I look forward to gleaning information from others
I’m past the schooling part, but this is great information. I’m going to Richmond this weekend! My son live there and we love to shop in Short Pump.
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I’m definitely attending the one here in Anchorage! They are so good, my husband takes the day off work and we make it a date. It’s very encouraging!
Maria Hass recently posted…The ADHD Friendly Church
Great to know that homeschooling has progressed so much
I love the used curriculum sales and exhibit halls when you can get your hands on curriculum, etc, that you have questions about that shopping online just doesn’t allow you always find the answers you need.
I agree completely. There is no comparison to being able to flip through something!
I have been to BIG and small conventions. They all have their merits. However, I definitely recommend a game plan if you go to a big one so you avoid the deer in the headlights look after an hour.
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