Today we continue Water Wonders Virtual Family VBS with The Story of Noah. This is perhaps the most powerful water Bible story of them all! Little Ones Love Noah My littlest gets excited every time she sees anything with Noah’s Ark. Just last night she found a Noah’s Ark book and was carrying it around the bookstore. It is such a … [Read more...]
Hope for Moms
Being a mom means cooking, cleaning, mending, nursing, teaching, entertaining, scheduling, chauffeuring, leading and nurturing. And none of that without interruption. Hats off to you, moms! You may just possibly have the toughest job in the world. It never ends--only changes. But there is hope for you, Mom! For the Tired Mom For all your … [Read more...]
Yay! I Won the Liebster Award!
I am honored and excited to be the recipient of the Liebster Award! Thank you to Trena, from Classes by Beth! Now, if you are like I was, you are probably thinking, "What is the Liebster Award?" The Liebster Award is simply an award for bloggers (with less than 3,000 followers) , by bloggers. It's a way of saying, "You're off to a good start. … [Read more...]
Whooo is God? An Autumn Family Bible Adventure: Skeletons
Today’s adventure…skeletons! Whether or not you participate in Halloween, you will most likely see skeleton decorations as you are out and about. They don’t have to be scary for children. Try this study and when you see bones as you are out, let them serve as a reminder that God has created our bodies and living for Him will bring health to … [Read more...]